Extended Semantic Web Conference 2010 - (former European Semantic Web Conference) - Home Extended Semantic Web Conference 2010 http://www.eswc2010.org/component/content/frontpage Thu, 09 Feb 2012 12:58:31 +0000 Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management en-gb Extended Semantic Web Conference http://www.eswc2010.org/component/content/article/23-extended-semantic-web-conference THANK YOU!

We want to thank all participants, speakers, sponsors and organizers for once again making ESWC2010 a successful conference.

In the photo gallery, you can find the conference pictures. Videolectures.net videos and video podcasts will soon be available online as well.


Best Paper Award Winner:
"Leveraging Terminological Structure for Object Reconciliation"
(Jan Noessner, Mathias Niepert, Christian Meilicke and Heiner Stuckenschmidt)

Best SW In-Use Paper Award Winner:
"Put in your postcode, out comes the data: A Case Study"
Tope Omitola, Igor Popov, Yang Yang and Christos Koumenides

Best PhD Symposium Award Winners:
"Scalable and Parallel Reasoning in the Semantic Web" by Jacopo Urbani
"Exploring the Wisdom of the Tweets: Towards Knowledge Acquisition from Social Awareness Streams" by Claudia Wagner

Best Demo Award Winner:
"A Software Tool for Visualizing, Managing and Eliciting SWRL Rules"
Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor and Amar K. Das

Best Poster Award Winner:
"Data.dcs: From Legacy to Linked Data"
Matthew Rowe

SEALS Best Evaluation Paper Award Winner:
"Measures for Benchmarking Semantic Web Service Matchmaking Correctness"
Ulrich Küster and Birgitta König-Ries

1st Prize AI Mashup Challange:
Alexandre Passant

2nd Prize AI Mashup Challange:
Mario Volke, Thorsten Liebig and Marko Luther

3rd Prize AI Mashup Challange:
"Attention Streams"
Gregoire Burel

4th Prize AI Mashup Challange:
Ikuya Yamada, Wataru Yamaki,Hirotaka Nakajima and Yoshiyasu Takefuji


We look forward to meeting you at the next year's conference. For more information please visit: http://www.eswc2011.org



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Your ESWC organizing committee


  • Invited talks by
    Aldo Gangemi, Noshir Contractor, Sean Bechhofer and Wolfgang Wahlster
  • Over 50 research paper presentations
  • PhD-Symposium
  • Tutorial and Workshop day
  • Poster and Demo session with reception
  • Conference dinner
  • Project Matchmaking Session
  • RFID Experiments

The mission of the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010) is to bring together researchers and practioners dealing with different aspects of semantics on the Web. ESWC2010 builds on the success of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but seeks to extend its focus by engaging with other communities within and outside ICT, in which semantics can play an important role. At the same time, ESWC2010 is a truly international conference.

Semantics of web content, enriched with domain theories (ontologies), data about web usage, natural language processing, etc. will enable a web that provides a qualitatively new level of functionality. It will weave together a large network of human knowledge and make this knowledge machine-processable. Various automated services, based on reasoning with metadata and ontologies, will help the users to achieve their goals by accessing and processing information in machine-understandable form. This network of knowledge systems will ultimately lead to truly intelligent systems, which will be employed for various complex decision-making tasks. Research about web semantics can benefit from ideas and cross-fertilization with many other areas: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Database and Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Multimedia, Distributed Systems, Social Networks, Web Engineering, and Web Science.

ESWC2010 will present the latest results in research and applications in its field. The research program will be organised in targeted tracks. In addition, the conference will feature a tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters track, a Ph.D. symposium and a number of collocated workshops. The calls for these events are separate and can be found on the conference Web site (http://www.eswc2010.org/).

ESWC2010 is brought to you by STI International, Semantic Technology Institute International. For more information on STI International, please visit http://www.sti2.org.


frontpage Fri, 29 Aug 2008 12:19:20 +0000