Application Form to Host the International Semantic Web 20xx Conference
ESWC2010 builds on the success of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but seeks to extend its focus by engaging with other communities within and outside ICT, in which semantics can play an important role. At the same time, ESWC2010 is a truly international conference. The Extended Semantic Web Conference is one of the central annual events for research and applications of Semantic Web Technologies and is very well regarded and visible world-wide for its high-quality program and its impact on developments in the field. It has grown into an event with well over 350 participants each year from university, industry and government and we expect a higher number of attendants this year.
ESWC2010 is organised by Semantic Technology Institutes International (STI International) and will present the latest results in research and application in semantic web technologies, including software and services, mobility, web of data, social web, sensor networks, ontologies and reasoning and more.
ESWC2010 research program will be organised in targeted tracks. In addition, the conference will feature a tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters track, a Ph.D. symposium and a number of collocated workshops. Please visit ESWC2010 at for more details.
The response of sponsors was extremely good the previous years, and we hope that this year it will be similar, if not better. Besides the usual sponsorship levels aimed at making easier for all organisations small or large to have an opportunity to get involved (diamond, platinum, gold, silver), we offer the opportunity to sponsor specific conference events.
The sponsorship levels are as follows. Additional arrangements are possible – please contact the Sponsorship Chair, Manolis Koubarakis, at koubarak AT, in case you want to explore alternative options.
You can also download the PDF with the sponsoriship opportunities.
Diamond - 5000 Euro
- your logo presentation at the beginning of the mean conference tracks
- listing in all press releases and online disseminations
- your banner attached in a visible place during the conference
- exhibition space (technical equipment is also available on request)
- distribution of short promotional material with conference package
- Logo on ESWC web site
- Logo and acknowledgement of support in published proceedings (Springer)
- free access to the conference site for a member of your technical support staff
- two free full registrations
Platinum - 3000 Euro
- distribution of short promotional material with conference package
- your banner attached in a visible place during the conference
- exhibition space (technical equipment is also available on request)
- Logo on ESWC web site
- Logo and acknowledgement of support in published proceedings (Springer)
- free access to the conference site for a member of your technical support staff
- one free full registration
Gold - 2000 Euro
- distribution of short promotional material with conference package
- Logo on ESWC web site
- Logo and acknowledgement of support in published proceedings (Springer)
- Logo on the conference bag
- two free workshop/tutorial registrations
Silver - 1000 Euro
- Logo on ESWC web site
- Logo and acknowledgement of support in published proceedings (Springer)
- Logo on the conference bag
We also offer the opportunity to sponsor specific conference events:
Conference Dinner - 3000 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during conference dinner
- acknowledgement of support in speech during conference dinner
Video Recording Sponsorship - 3000 Euros
- all Gold benefits
- acknowledgement of your sponsoring on the publicly available videos
Best paper award: Main Track - 2750 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during the award-giving ceremony
- a representative of your organisation present in the award-giving ceremony
- your logo on the award diploma
Best paper award: Semantic Web in Use Track - 2750 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during the award-giving ceremony
- a representative of your organisation present in the award-giving ceremony
- your logo on the award diploma
Poster/Demo session plus best poster/demo award - 2750 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during poster and demo session
- a representative of your organisation present in the award-giving ceremony
- your logo on the award diploma
USB stick sponsoring - 2750 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your logo on the USB stick which is distributed with the conference package
Conference Reception - 2500 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during conference reception
- acknowledgement of support in speech during conference reception
PhD Symposium – 2500 Euro
- all Gold benefits
- your banner attached in a visible place during PhD Symposium
- acknowledgement of support in speech during PhD Symposium
Social Network Experiment – 1750 Euro
- all Silver benefits
- acknowledgement of your support in the presentations of the experiment
AI Mashup Challenge – 1750 Euro
- all Silver benefits
- acknowledgement of your support in all Mashup Challenge presentations